Mizuki's attempts at being less of a dumbass at computers
- most of these was just copypasted from html tutorials...
// projects
cyclone simulator (legacy) -- repo
Updated the fork to v0.2.12 and also added the dependencies for offline usage/improve privacy
I merged PB's westpac code with bluegamer144's improvements, so you *probably* should use this one over the upper two:
-- a fork of projectbluebell's
fork of monsoonjr99's
their respective repos: projectbluebell's and monsoonjr99's
// other random things
- check out Ian's
climate simulator! you can plug the planet map generated from Torben's generator into that page for some wonderful simulation of its climate
→ just remember to use the "square" map projection with 2:1 width:height ratio, and select the grayscale color map option
- also check out yoko's
mapviewer! it can project images to a globe! (she's a really smart and wonderful)
→ again, remember to use the "square" map projection with 2:1 width:height ratio nya
links list for setting up madVR with MPC-HC/BE:
- https://github.com/gehrleib/MPC-BE-with-madVR
- https://kokomins.wordpress.com/2021/03/27/mpc-hc-and-madvr-setup-guide/
- https://shark007.net/index.html
// socials
Mastodon (maybe) ☆ Twitter ☆ Discord: Mizuki#5463/mizubactin ☆ Steam
// about me
I'm Mizuki (she/her), I go by KTDN, MagicalDrizzle and Mizubactin online!
really adorable profile image a good friend of mine made for pride month! →
things that I have taken a liking to but not necessarily indicate I'm any good at them: chemistry (especially orgchem and biochem), software and hardware electronics, meteorology, computer programming stuffs (you probably can already tell my skill level in that one judging by how this site looks)
// wonderful people you really really should check out!
- arisa, she doesn't have much socials iirc but she's still a really really wonderful...
- secret society blanket, the cutest and best cutest best best community I have ever been a part of (don't tell them about me though):
- skye
built that site, how wonderful